简介:Plot Summary : This romantic-kitsch story goes from Paris to Marseille, from Amsterdam to Morocco via Jean Genet's grave in Larache, and on to Tangiers. The movie tells the story of an Algerian-French heterosexual young man beginning a sociology study of gay islamic homosexualities and discovering gay love with a young French steward. Comments: French Algerian Karim Plot Summary : This romantic-kitsch story goes from Paris to Marseille, from Amsterdam to Morocco via Jean Genet's grave in Larache, and on to Tangiers. The movie tells the story of an Algerian-French heterosexual young man beginning a sociology study of gay islamic homosexualities and discovering gay love with a young French steward. Comments: French Algerian Karim is a student in Paris and spends his time with his girlfriend Sihem . 法国人Algerian Karim是巴黎的一个学生,他跟她女朋友Sihemi一起生活。 He happens to view a television program about the gay life in Egypt in the 20th century, a life that allowed gay relationships and even marriages so along as the men gave up the lifest