简介:故事發生在毗鄰北京的麻營村和梨園村。2005年春,某企業要在麻營村耕地上建廠,54戶農民住宅面臨拆除。村民強烈反對。村書記趙友倉,既是拆遷人員,也是拆遷戶。他在官民、親情之間搖擺、斡旋,扮演著雙面角色。在村民趙俊東的帶領下,反拆派與管委會幹部展開了拉鋸戰…… 同時,相隔3公里的梨園村,20多戶農民飽受拆遷之苦。他們在律師幫助下向開發區法院起訴,告開發區管委會在新奧藝術大道拆遷中不給村民宅基地,拖延回遷,違法、違約。 梨園村村民張連仲父母雙雙癱瘓在床,生活空間的改變在老人心中引起層層漣漪,張母每日以酒澆愁,只求一死。張連仲忍受絕望的生活,悉心照料更加絕望的父母…… Farmers rely on their land for survival. However, in China, those who rely on their land have neither ownership of this land, nor the guarantee of land-use rights. Farmers have paid an especially heavy price in their efforts to protect their land-use rights in the face of accelerated industrialization and urbanization perpetuated by the government and business enterprises. This film documents the forced demolition and relocation of two villages over the course of 5 years, from 2005 to 2009. 获奖情况: 2010年 入圍第34屆香港國際電影節人道紀錄片競賽單元 2010年 入圍第二屆澳門國際電影節紀錄片競賽單元…