
简介:Muslims believe in Jesus as a Prophet and believe that his birth is a miracle.   Indeed the Prophet Mohammed commended a unprecedented praise upon Jesus as a Prophet of Islam. Muslims believe Jesus, son of Mary, will return to earth to bring about justice and truth, before the hour and the end of life in this world. The Qur'an describes Jesus as the Word of God which was delivered to Mary, daughter of Imran. The Qur'an states that Jesus preached to all of mankind and that God created him as he did Adam, without a father, and that his mother Mary was chosen by God for the miracle birth of Jesus. Jesus was chosen by the Lord to be a Prophet of his people, and supported many miracles such as the of the revival of the dead, with the permission of God, amongst others.   Revealed to him was the Gospel, and he was supported by numerous miracles from God: The first was that he was born of a mother without a father, and he spoke in the cradle, and that he healed the sick, and created birds from clay, all with the permission of God. Jesus, Son of Mary, as not crucified nor killed, but was raised to God.   That is why Muslims respect Jesus [ peace be upon him] and see themselves as the people closest to him and the first believers in his authority as a Prophet.…