
  • 皮安崇·达姆容桑托恩查 皮拉维·塔奇沙鹏 ManSupakritCharoonmatha titleTeshinAnusananan 瓦鲁特·查瓦力朱吉翁 GetSorawut
  • 共8集  |  每集 40分钟
  • 你还记得《纪念册》里的朋友吗?这个系列将带你回到2…你还记得《纪念册》里的朋友吗?这个系列将带你回到2000年初,以及Phob和Nut之间的深层联系。当他们两个答应一起追寻梦想的时候。不幸的是,有人没有遵守承诺,这导致了分歧。他们之间只剩下痛苦。最后,他们分开了。四年后,年鉴带来了一个朋友带着一些真相回来了。最终,他们的友谊、亲密和梦想将再次回归,或者他们必须面对现实,并将一切作为回忆留在年鉴中。   Have you still remembered your friends in “The Yearbook”?   A series that will bring you back to the early 2000 and the deep connection between Phob and Nut.   When the two of them promised to follow their dreams together. Unfortunately, someone didn’t keep the promise and that led to disagreement. There was only pain left between them. Finally, they were apart. Four years later, the yearbook brings that one friend comes back again with some truths. At the end, their friendship, intimacy, and dreams will return again or they have to face the the reality and left everything as memories in the Yearbook.



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